From Hall to Home RHS Tatton show garden plant list

I usually get asked about planting lists from my award-winning show gardens, which I am always happy to share. I designed this planting scheme for the RHS Tatton Flower Show in 2016, which won a silver medal. The garden was called From Hall to Home,and was inspired by Capability Brown. 

This planting scheme uses naturalistic meadow planting, to create an ultra-low maintenance garden for people who want to spend their time enjoying the outdoors and not weeding their flower beds.

This type of planting scheme mimics a natural outdoor meadow scheme, with grasses and perennials. There is no soil on show so weeds are naturally suppressed, and there are no annuals that need replacing the next year.


Planting list: 

Allium senescens

Eryngium “Tiny jackpot”

Eucomis “Freckles”

Carex testacea

Agastache “Apricot”

Salvia “East Friesland”

Achillea millefolium “terracotta”

Verbena bonariensis

Liatris spicata “alba”

Galtonia candicans

Perovskia “Blue spire”

Agastache “Blue boa”

Iris germanica

Festuca glauca “Elijah Blue”

Euphorbia chariacas “Black Pearl”

Penstemon “Burgundy”

Coreopsis “Zagreb”

Eupatorium “Baby Joe”

Panicum virgatum “Heavy metal”

Deschampsia goldschier

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